Saturday 14 July 2012

Soccer balls...I mean footballs

For my 10th Birthday I asked my friends to bring a donation to my party, instead of a present,so I could buy some soccer balls for kids in Indonesia.  My dad found out through the Rotary Club in Kelowna about a Rotary Club in Indonesia.  We emailed Ade, a Rotary member from Ubud, and she arranged for us to give the balls to 2 different schools.  She chose schools that have a soccer field close by so the kids would be able to use the balls.

Here is a picture of me with the sports teacher and the principal.

When we visited the school it was a summer break but there were a few kids there - so we took a picture of them too!  You should have seen how big their eyes got when I pulled the balls out of the bag - 6 balls for this school.  

This is their classroom and the principal pretending to be a teacher.

This is the exterior of the school

This is their soccer field - nothing like the ones in Canada! The goal posts are made out of bamboo.  The building in the middle of the field is temporary - it is for the village cremation at the end of the month.

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